2 Sign Of The Sun Setup 3 Please insert the diskette labelled '%s' in drive %s. 4 Sign Of The Sun Setup 5 Sign Of The Sun installation not complete. Do you really want to exit Setup? 6 ICE 7 Cannot Create Directory 8 Cannot install file '%':s 9 Setup cannot continue 10 Incomplete or missing profile. 11 Diskette %d 12 Application already registered. 13 The profile that holds application install information is missing or damaged. Possible causes: \n \n- damaged diskette 1 \n- possible diskette alignment or hardware problem \n- insufficient disk space 14 Continue Operation 15 Cancel Operation 16 Cannot install application file '%s': 17 Cannot install files from '%s': 18 Remove Sign Of The Sun 19 Sign Of The Sun Setup 20 Remove Sign Of The Sun 21 sos_win.exe 22 Sign Of The Sun 23 Windows could not shut down all running applications. \n\n Please close them manually, then try again. 24 The destination folder: \n\n%s\ndoes not exist. Do you want to create it? 25 The path you have selected does not exist. Please select another. 26 There does not appear to be sufficient disk space available on drive %s to install Sign Of The Sun. 27 The path can not be empty. Please enter a path. 28 Setup cannot find the file '%s' on the drive and directory specified below. Please insert the specified diskette in this drive. If the files can be found in a different location, type the location below or pick with Browse. 24576 An unkown error occured. 24577 The requested operation cannot be completed because an error occurred. There is no more information available about this error. Please record the error information shown at the bottom of this message (click on More>>). 24578 Not enough memory available. 24579 There is insufficient memory available to complete this operation. Exit other running applications or close additional documents and try the operation again. 24580 File Error. 24581 An error occurred with one of the files used in this operation. 24582 Archive Error 24583 An error occurred in saving or loading this application's data to or from disk. 24584 Resource Error. 24585 An error occurred while accessing the resources associated with this application. Possible causes: \n \n- A damaged .EXE or .DLL file \n- Not enough file handles \n- System resources are exhausted. 24586 Operation cancelled. 24587 You cancelled this operation. 24588 This operation is not supported. 24589 You have requested an operation that is not supported by this application. 24590 File not found. 24591 A file required for this operation was not found. This could be because the wrong location for the file was specified, or because the file has been deleted. 24592 Invalid path. 24593 The path specfied for accessing a file is invalid. 24594 Too many files open. 24595 There are too many files open. You can terminate other running applications or close other documents to close files, then try this operation again. 24596 Access denied. 24597 You do not have access rights to work with this file. Contact your system administrator if you need access to this file. 24598 Invalid file. 24599 Cannot remove current directory. 24600 Directory full. 24601 The directory used for this operation cannot hold any more files. Please select another directory, or remove one or more files from this directory. 24602 Bad seek. 24603 Hardware error. 24604 There was a hardware error accessing your file system. Possible causes :\n- incompatible driver versions\n- power surge \n- hardware failure \n \nYou may want to shut down your computer and try again. 24605 Sharing violation. 24606 A sharing violation occured accessing a file. Possible causes: \n \n-- another application has loaded this file \n- another user on the network has loaded this file \n- SHARE.EXE is not loaded \n- A previous application didn't release this file 24607 Locking violation. 24608 A locking violation occured accessing a file. Possible causes: \n \n-- another application has loaded this file\n- another user on the network has loaded this file \n- SHARE.EXE is not loaded \n- A previous application didn't release this file 24609 Disk full 24610 There is not enough space on the specified drive for this operation. Either select a different drive or remove one or more files. 24611 End of file. 27648 Unknown compression method. 27649 The file this application is trying to extract was compressed with an unknown method. Possible causes: \n- the file was compressed with a different version of the software \n- the file is damaged \n- there is a diskette alignment or hardware problem 27650 File is not an archive file. 27651 The file this application is extracting does not appear to be an archive file (there is no archive header). Possible causes: \n- wrong file on install diskettes \n- file is damaged \n- possible diskette drive alignment or hardware error 27652 Archive file damaged (missing entry header). 27653 The archive file this application is extracting appears damaged (no entry header found). Possible causes: \n \n- file is damaged on install diskettes \n- diskette drive alignment or hardware error 27654 Archive file damaged (corrupt table). 27655 The archive file this application is extracting appears damaged (corrupt table). Possible causes: \n \n- file is damaged on install diskettes \n- diskette drive alignment or hardware error 27656 Archive file damaged (CRC Mismatch) 27657 The archive file this application is extracting appears damaged (CRC Mismacth). Possible causes: \n \n- file is damaged on install diskettes \n- diskette drive alignment or hardware error 27658 Archive file damaged (unknown error). 27659 The archive file this application is extracting appears damaged . Possible causes: \n \n- file is damaged on install diskettes \n- diskette drive alignment or hardware error 27660 Archive file damaged (stream error). 27661 Archive file damaged (data error). 27662 Archive file damaged (buffer error). 57344 Sign Of The Sun Setup 57345 Successful installation. 57346 Install failed. 57347 Sign Of The Sun Install has failed and is unable to continue.